Title I Plan

Stewartstown Community School
 60 School Street
West Stewartstown, NH 03597

 Title I Schoolwide Plan
July 6, 2020


Stewartstown Community School, grades PreK – 8, is a small school located in the rural community iof West Stewartstown, NH. The town of Stewartstown is located in northern Coos County approximately 5 miles from the Canadian Border. The population of grades PreK – 8, 70 students, is comprised of students from Stewartstown &West Stewartstown, New Hampshire. The school’s service area is very limited in the way of business and industry. The immediate area does not have any social service agencies, such as mental health, or other necessary services, such as banks or pharmacies.  Residents must travel 10-12 miles to access any of these services or other businesses. The population of Stewartstown is 809 (Census of 2015). The educational attainment of the community statistics is high school graduate or higher is 83.4%; bachelor’s degree or higher is 10.7%. The per capita income for the area is $21,810. A median family income is reported as $45,446. Individuals below the poverty level in this area have been reported as 12.9%. The Town of Stewartstown has one of the lowest poverty tax bases in the state of New Hampshire. Currently, a great percent of the students qualify for federal free or reduced lunch. Our school also offers breakfast to students as well.


 Stewartstown Community School has been involved in Schoolwide Title I since 1998. Through many years of effort and reflection, the school community has developed its mission statement and vision statement to serve as the primary focal point for all improvement efforts.

Stewartstown Community School’s mission statement reads as follows:

The Stewartstown Community School is a learning partnership of home, school, and community, which will provide successful experiences for each child to attain self-esteem and the knowledge, skills, and behavior necessary to function effectively, responsibly, and cooperatively in society

Stewartstown Community School’s vision statement reads as follows:

· A school where students will become self-motivated, life-long independent learners.

· A school where students will strive for achievement and success.

· A school where students will think critically and make informed decisions in demonstrating good citizenship.

· A school where everyone is physically and emotionally safe in a collaborative environment.

· A school in which everyone is able to develop a healthy lifestyle.


The goals set by and for staff at Stewartstown Community School for the 2020-2021 school year are as follows:

ASSESSMENTS USED: Throughout the school year, teachers administer AIMSweb benchmark testing three times a year (fall, spring, and winter).  Other testing involves STAR360, which is also given three times a year, NH SAS (Smarter Balanced replacement) for grades 3-8, and other locally created assessments.


Stewartstown Community School believes it is important to review other indicators other than just the required state-wide assessment.  The school closely monitors attendance through MMS, which holds informational data on each student. Attendance data is logged and kept for future reference as well as as reporting to the State Department of Education.  Discipline data is logged through the SWIS program, part of the school-wide PBIS initiative.  Parents are contacted when students are absent to determine the reason and a note is required when the student returns, which includes doctors’ notes. Stewartstown Community School Policy abides by the truancy guidelines the State has set forth and letters are sent home to notify parents when students’ attendance falls below expectations. A plan is set in place if absenteeism becomes a factor in a student’s school performance. Conduct is another area that is closely monitored. There is an expected Code of Conduct implemented school-wide.  It is our hope that students will take responsibility for their actions. Referrals are required when an incident occurs, whether for disciplinary action to take place or as data collection to reference patterns of behavior.


 Our instructional strategies and the design of our Title I Program are flexible as we strive to meet the needs of all students respective to their learning styles and individual progress. We include all types of instruction, including pull out, push in, classroom, small group and individual instruction. These types of instruction are determined after meetings between teachers (past, present and future), Title I personnel and Special Education personnel. If we find our “disadvantaged students” need extra time, a different program of instruction, or modifications and accommodations to their current program, we work with teachers to set a plan for the student. Instructional support for students who are not experiencing success is coordinated through a variety of services throughout the school. These services include our school nurse, guidance counselor, principal, teachers, school psychologist, and our special educator. All have a part in the social, emotional, physical, and academic well-being of our students.


 At Stewartstown our Title I Program is closely integrated with all aspects of our regular education program and all outside supplemental service programs offered. Title I is an integral part of our regular school program. Meetings where special education needs are discussed involve our Title I personnel. We are in direct contact with our Special Education Director, our Special Education Teacher on staff, and our Homeless and Foster Care Liaison. Any necessary changes in a student’s academic programming involving Title I is addressed immediately.

 Stewartstown Community School 8th graders start the transition process to go to high school through guidance counselors, special education director, principal, and other qualified personnel. Eighth grade students visit each of the three local high schools for a “step-up” day in May each year. During that visit, they are paired with a high school student and mirror the activities of a high school day. They also meet with the Guidance Counselor to discuss high school classes and programming in an effort to help students begin to envision their high school career. The 8th grade students have a choice between Pittsburg High School, Colebrook Academy, or Canaan Memorial High School. Students are invited to attend an orientation in the summer, prior to school starting.


  This is our first year offering Pre-K services five full days a week.  Stewartstown Community School offers a 4-year-old Pre-K program.   If a need arises for Title I services, Title I personnel may be used to work with Pre-K students.


Stewartstown Community School operates with a highly professional, qualified staff. All core academic teachers and instructional paraprofessionals meet the highly qualified requirements, either through credentialing by degrees conferred or by Alternative IV and V Programming offered through the Department of Education, Credentialing Bureau.


 Professional Development for Stewartstown personnel is offered through the regular School District budget. Although this is somewhat limited, the district sets aside funds for individual professional development to further support individual teacher professional development goals. As a whole, SAU #7 has designed and used Title IIA Grant monies to support professional development initiatives. The goal of the SAU is to have all contributing schools (Colebrook, Stewartstown, and Pittsburg) create a competency-based education system. Professional Development days are scheduled in the school calendar and occur throughout the year on early release days and planned teacher workshop days. All professional development is monitored through a computerized tracking program, My Learning Program MLP) on an individual basis. Teachers and staff members are encouraged to attend the North Country Title I Annual Conference held locally.


Stewartstown Community School sets aside funding for the purposes of transportation and education in the event that a homeless situation occurs in our district. The Stewartstown Community School follows the federal law and the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act requiring our school to provide educational stability for homeless children. Stewartstown Community School works with the Homeless Liaison if the need arises.


 Stewartstown Community School District has an appointed liaison for Foster Care situations. This Point of Contact (POC) is Title I Director Alexis Scott. Principal Stephanie Humphrey can also be contacted for assistance. During this process, the school district will work with the placement agency (DCYF) to determine if it is in the child's best interest to remain in the school of origin. A child in foster care will remain in the school of origin unless it is determined that it is not in his or her best interest. The district ensures that children in foster care will receive transportation in a cost-effective manner if it is determined to be in the best interest of the child to remain in the school of origin. Arrangements will be determined in collaboration by the LEA, DCYF, and administrative team to ensure transportation for the child will be arranged, provided, funded, and maintained. The school abides by the Every Child Succeeds Act of 2015 Foster Youth and Juvenile Provisions.  If a situation occurs, consultation and direction will be provided by the POC and the Superintendent.


Migrant students will receive the same services as other students enrolled in Stewartstown’s Schoolwide Title I Program. All students are assessed in the same manner and after analysis of District assessments; the students’ needs will be determined and met.


Parents are always welcome to give input to the Title I Program. Our annual meeting is scheduled into the calendar of events yearly, and is held prior the open house each year. All parents and community members are invited. The Title I Family and Community Engagement Policy is reviewed. An open forum allows for parent input and suggestions to the current program. Any changes or modifications in policy would have to be presented to our School Board for their approval. Once a month parents and community members are invited to attend a family night planned for student engagement and strategies for families to assist their child in different areas.  Every student is provided with a “student/parent/teacher” compact within the first quarter of the school year. The compact is explained to students before it goes home so they understand the role of each component (student, parent and teacher) in order for student success. From there students take the form home to explain and read with parents. A signature is required from all three stakeholders.

On the school’s website community members and parents can access school calendars and monthly newsletters. The newsletters are also sent home with students (hard copy) monthly if the request is asked. The “Parents Right to Know” newsletter is available for parents to access.  Families have the option of asking the school’s Title Director to print a copy if need-be. Sometimes the newsletter is sent out each month to every family.  Our annual meeting is scheduled into the calendar of events yearly.

 Our staff welcomes parent involvement and looks forward to opportunities to get parents involved in their children’s education. All notices and parent information is delivered in concise and simple terms so that parents get the importance of the message clearly.

Title I funds help support a summer program that runs for 12 days. This program allows teachers to work with students on core subjects, such as Reading and Math. Reinforcement and continuation/extension of current academic levels in both ELA and Math are a focus. The students have a “special” each day.  This summer program is done remotely.  Teachers will be in touch will details as far as pick up times for student work.  Teachers will also be conducting Zoom meetings, and phone calls to see the progress of how well the students are doing.

Link to the NH DOE Report of SCS